Harnessing the Power of the Inner Development Goals (IDGs) to Transform our World

3 Mar 2024 AEDT

Village Hall, Narara Ecovillage, c/- Narara Ecovillage Map

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Driving Sustainability: Taking Action with IDGs to Become Tomorrow's Change-Leaders

Welcome changemakers to our registrations page!

Join us for an empowering journey that harnesses the power of Inner Development Goals (IDGs) as a catalyst for sustainability.

Become part of a rising generation of leaders driving positive change for a better world. Let's band together, spark change, and create a brighter, greener future for us all!

Two options:

  • Join us for the introduction to the IDGs & the 2030 SDGs Game (08.30 - 1pm)
  • Dive deep in an immersive and interactive day (08.30 - 4.30pm) ............................................................


  • Morning session including 2030 SDGs Game - $150 (Narara Eco Living Network Members 10% off)

  • Full Day $220 (Narara Eco Living Network members 10% off)

  • Students - 25% discount

  • "Pay it Forward" - sponsor a year 10 or 11 high school student who is committed to being a change-leader



Step 1: Registration and Coffee - 08.30 am

Step 2: Introduction to Ecovillages 09.00
Explore the concept of ecovillages and their role in sustainable development, showcasing real-life examples and inspiring participants to envision alternative lifestyles and communities.

Step 3: Introduction to Inner Development Goals (IDGs)
Introduce participants to the framework of Inner Development Goals (IDGs), as they relate to mindsets, behaviours and actions, why they are essential to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the connection between our ‘inner development’ and ‘collective impact’ in an ever more complex world.

Step 4: Coffee/Tea Break

Step 5: Experience the 2030 SDGs Game

The 2030 SDGs Game is the perfect ‘stimulus’ partner for experiencing the IDGs Framework, as it emerges within us. Learning through the experience of play, the game-play focus is about open discovery, where the game world bridges into the real world, where anything is possible, from scarcity to excess. Learning emerges out of the participatory ‘co-creation of knowledge’ as players problem-solve to the make decisions required to achieve both their personal and collective goals through the shared challenge of building a simulated world.
While we play, we observe the link to the IDGs in our behaviours and reflect on how we can make changes.

Morning only participants finish here and/or join us for lunch

Step 6: Lunch & Networking - 1.00 pm

Step 7: Unpack and relate the experience of the 2030 SDGs Game with the Inner Development Goals (IDG) Framework. Through various processes, reflect and delve more deeply into your journey as a change-maker and how the IDGs Framework can support your mission.

Step 8: Reflective Wrap Up - finish by 4.30 pm

Reflect and harvest the key learnings from the day’s session, including the transformative potential of the IDGs, the role of ‘serious games’ in realising this potential and the journey we are all sharing to build a peaceful, sustainable future for humanity and the planet.

Step 9: Join us for the ‘After Glow’ Event!

A shared ‘potluck’ dinner. BYO food and refreshments to share and enjoy some well-earned ‘chill’ to celebrate the day and casually explore connections for networking, collaboration and co-creation!


Network members support the aims of the Ecovillage, and access discounts for Network & other events ($20 pa single; $40 pa family) https://neln.org.au/join-us/application-form/

Collection and use of personal information is subject to the Narara Ecovillage Privacy Policy, available on our website http://nararaecovillage.com/privacy/

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Bookings for this event have now closed.

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